Interview Internship
Application & Customer Support
Tell us about your application process?
The AVL SET joined the RWU Career Days 2019. After that I sent a speculative application and got invited for a job interview.
What are your tasks during your internship?
- Developing and elaborating a test bench automation for the EME’s initial commissioning in Wangen
- Domestic and abroad travels to service-, application- and initial commissioning-services
- Creating interactive documents
Which expetpectations for an internship semester did you have and were they met?
- Consolidating my knowledge about e-mobility
- Combining theoretical and practical work
- Insights into everyday working life of a commissioning engineer
My expectations were exceeded by far. It was a very successful internship with a great team!
Which knowledge could you aquire?
- Language skills due to an international team
- Know-how of various vectortools
- Knowledge in dealing with customers
- Knowledge in VBA
- Knowledge in dealing with test beds
- Organizational skills, due to independent working
- Team work

Jean, 23 Years
Internship Application and Customer Support, Studies: Vehicle mechatronics
“My expectations were exceeded by far. It was a very successful internship with a great team!”

Which tips would you give to future interns?
Apply on your own initiative if you can’t find a fitting position. It really can pay off.
What happens after your intern?
After my intern I’m employed as student trainee at AVL SET.
Join us and shape the future of sustainable mobility! If you can’t find a Fitting position here, you’re welcome to take a look at the positions at AVL List GmbH.