Interview Student Trainee Knowledge management
 Why did you decide to work as student trainee?
Universities provide us a toolbox full of methods, theories and models during our studies. But these are of little use, if we can´t apply them to individual problems. That’s why it was all the more important for me to be able to appy the content of my studies in practice by working as a student trainee.
Tell us about your application process?
Fast, easy and very kind! I think with these words, the application process can be summed up aptly.
How can you combine a student job and your studies? Is it easy to combine your studies with your student job?
Easy going! AVL SET offers me the opportunity to organize my schedule as a student trainee very flexible. Depending on the study phase (exam phase or semester break), I can work more or less.
What are your tasks as a working student and which one do you like the most?
Generating knowledge, designing training courses and conveying the learning content in training courses are exciting tasks for me. Especially the way how to prepare learning content – keyword: digital learning elements – enables to convey learning vontent in a modern an really cool way. That’s what I enjoy the most!
Did the practical experience, which you gained while working at AVL SET, help you during your studies at university?
It definitely helped me! Depending to the subject sometimes more, sometimes less. In any case, the practical experience helps to question theories and methods regarding the reference to reality.

Alisa, 25 Years
Student Trainee Knowledge Management, Studies: Studium: Business Informatics for higher teaching degree
“Universities provide us a toolbox full of methods, theories and models during our studies. But these are of little use, if we can’t apply them to individual problems. That’s why it was all the more important for me to be able to appy the content of my studies in practice by working as a student trainee.”

What do you think should somebody consider before applying as a working student?
No-one is born a master! You aren’t expected yet to be able to do everything perfectly. What’s important for you is, that your future area of tasks interests you and appeals to you.
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